ST2515 Operation Manual
The :APERture command sets the instrument measurement speed.
The :APERture? query returns to the current measurement speed.
Command syntax:
Command syntax: APER <FAST, MEDium, SLOW1 or SLOW2>
For example: WrtCmd(“APERture SLOW1”); Set the instrument self-calibration mode as SLOW.
Query syntax: APERture?
Return format: <FAST, MEDium, SLOW1 or SLOW2> <NL^END>
The :APERture:AVERage command sets the instrument average times used in measurement.
The :APERture:AVERage? query returns to the current average times.
Command syntax:
Command syntax: APER:AVERage <value>
Where, <value> = 1 to 255
For example: WrtCmd(“APERture:AVER 10”); Set nstrument average times used in measurement
as 10.
Query syntax: APERture:AVERture?
Return format: < NR1> <NL^END>
TRIGger Subsystem Commands
The TRIGger subsystem commands set the instrument trigger source and the delay time after
triggering, and triggers instrument measurement.
Command Tree:
The :IMMediate command triggers a measurement.
Command syntax: TRIGger[:IMMediate]
For example: WrtCmd(“TRIG”);