Repeat for the other side.
Sand the sheeting flush with the V stab.
Glue the two V8As together as shown.
File a 3/32” groove along the scribed line in V8A.
Fit the V8A assembly to V8 and the H stab insuring the tail
gear moves freely. Glue in place as shown.
Note: Do not get
any glue on the tail gear!
Sand V8A so it is flush with the
trailing edge of the fuselage.
Battery Hatch
Cut two 1/4" x 3/8" to 5" and pin to plans
Glue F2C thru F5C to the spars using thick CA. NOTE: F2C
and F5C must be perfectly straight.
Cut a piece of 1/4" x 1/4" balsa and glue to the slots in the
top of F2C - F5C