Add reinforcements for hinges along the flap and aileron
Sand W22 to match the camber of ribs W12 thru W18.
Lightly sand the ribs to get rid of any high spots and prepare
for sheeting.
Attach servo extensions and guide wires through the holes in
W12 thru W1. Make sure to secure your servo extensions
with glue, tape or shrink tubing. Route your extensions to ap-
prox 1” behind the leading edge of the wing.
Assemble W30 to the W31's as shown. fit the assembly onto
the W19 spar and W9 rib. Epoxy in place.
Cut small pieces of 1/4" x 1/4" balsa and glue to W1 at the
top of the rib but below the sheeting line as shown. This will
offer a base for the left wing sheeting.
Use your sheeing you made before to sheet the top of the
wing as shown.
Remove the wing from building board, turn over and break
tabs off of the wing ribs.
Lay the 1/8" Ply flap and W25 in place on the wing as shown.
Draw a line at the edge of these pieces on the top sheet.