59 62 134 D 3407
D 3407
02 07.2009
3 Operation
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Exam concept
Operator’s Manual SIDEXIS XG
Importing an exam
Using versions 1.5 and higher of SIDEXIS XG, it is possible to import an exam
with the
"Import exam"
There are three different file formats which can be imported:
● NGE format
For further information, please refer to Section "NGE Format [
● SVG format
For further information, please refer to Section "SVG Format [
● Zip format
Examinations exported using the
"Send exam by e-mail"
function are sent
compressed as a Zip file. These Zip files can be imported directly.
See section "Send examination via email" [
37] for more information.
Activating the function
➢ Click the button.
➢ In the menu bar
, select the menu item
➢ via drag & drop.
➢ NGE format only:Via a double-click in the Explorer
● For registered patients, SIDEXIS XG compares the patient data of the
registered patient with that of the imported exam.
If the patient data is not identical, a confirmation query then asks whether
the exam to be imported should be imported to the registered patient.
● If no patient is registered, the patient with the matching patient data (first
name, last name, date of birth) is automatically opened.
If the patient is not known to the database, a new patient will automatically
be generated when the exam is saved. In this case, it may be necessary
to enter additional new patient data. See also Section "How can I modify
The import function can be used only if the exam to be imported was
exported from version 1.5 or higher of SIDEXIS XG.
The exam is then displayed in SIDEXIS XG after the function is executed.
The exam is stored in the database along with all of the images it contains
only after the "Save exam" function is executed (see section "Saving an