59 62 134 D 3407
D 3407
02 07.2009
5 System setup
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Exposure settings
Operator’s Manual SIDEXIS XG
"Depending on image type"
/"Single exposure sequence"
● The option
"Set tooth or program before exposure"
activates / deactivates
the automatic request for details on the area to be exposed (tooth type,
area, program). When it is active, the user is asked to specify the target
area immediately before taking the exposure, provided that it is not known
yet (e.g. from an incoming X-ray order). The findings dialog box is
displayed for this purpose and must be confirmed before the system is
ready for exposure. SIDEXIS can use this information to display the
image in the anatomically correct orientation and position.
● The
"Automatic image description after exposure"
option activates/
deactivates the automatic findings function. When it is active, the user is
prompted to enter the findings in the dialog box which is displayed
immediately after taking the exposure.
"Depending on image type"
/"L/R marking"
This function determines whether a tooth position marker is to be inserted into
the image.
● Example screens
"Depending on image type"
● If the option
"Compress immediately"
is activated, the image is
compressed immediately after exposure.
As X-ray and video images take up quite a large amount of storage space
when they are saved to hard disk or removable storage media, SIDEXIS
offers the option of compressed storage. The amount of disk space
required by the exposures can be greatly reduced in this way.
About L/R markers on images of the XC type
If the optional marking of the image with the letters R and L is activated in
SIDEXIS, an R will always be inserted in the lower right corner of the image
when taking cephalometric images. This may lead to confusion. This
marking is not comparable to the well-known R/L markers of conventional
On all cephalometric images, the R marker does not refer to the X-ray
beam direction, but ensures that the image is viewed in its original
orientation and not flipped.