59 62 134 D 3407
D 3407
02 07.2009
3 Operation
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Image management
Operator’s Manual SIDEXIS XG
"Image date"
This image information appears later on in the list box of the dialog box for
selecting available images.
The image creation date is read-only and cannot be edited.
"Short description"
This image information appears later on in the list box of the dialog box for
selecting available images.
You can enter any text in this field.
A maximum of 128 characters is permitted.
"Person responsible"
Here, the name of the patient's permanent dentist is entered
automatically by the system. If another dentist was responsible for the
image, the data can be edited.
You can enter any text in this field.
A maximum of 5000 characters is permitted.
"Not diagnosable"
If an X-ray cannot be diagnosed, then this can be noted by activating the
associated check box. Images marked as not diagnosable are identified
by “~~” in the image type.
They are displayed only when all image types are displayed by clicking
"Quick View"
If this check box is activated, the findings text is displayed in a text window
in the workspace.
Example screen:
By confirming the dialog box, all entries are saved automatically. By canceling
the dialog box, all changes made are discarded.
The accurate specification of image type and short description is helpful for
later retrieval of the X-ray and should therefore always be made.
When entering the findings text, you can open a context menu with
precompiled standard findings by pressing the right mouse button or the
[Alt] + [B] key combination. Several of these findings can be combined by
repeating this action. The [Esc] key closes the context menu without
further actions. Section "Processing standard findings [
145]" describes
how these standard findings can be configured individually.