2 Machine information
2.2 Measurements and measurement series
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ePS Network Services, Function Manual (FH) - Release 08/2008
2.2.5 Synchronous operation axis test
Description of functions
The synchronous operation axis test result returns the torque/force measurement
curve over the axis position and various torque characteristics. The characteristics
are determined for each direction of movement separately. If nothing else is de-
scribed for the characteristics, the characteristics refer to the position range without
the acceleration and braking ramps.
Characteristic Meaning
Maximum torque
The maximum returns the maximum torque in the
measured position range. With torque characteristics
with linear trend, the proportion the trend is computed
for determining the maximum torque.
Minimum torque
The minimum returns the minimum torque in the
measured position range. With torque characteristics
with linear trend, the proportion of the trend is com-
puted for determining the minimum torque.
Average torque
The characteristic returns the mean torque in the
measured position range with the configured speed.
Independently of the direction, a larger value always
corresponds to a larger torque in the direction of
Standard deviation
The characteristic represents the standard deviation of
the torque characteristic in the measured position
range at the configured speed. With torque character-
istics with a linear trend, the proportion of the trend is
eliminated from the standard deviation.
Increase in the linear
trend of torque charac-
The characteristic indicates the increase in the change
to the torque at position changes.
Maximum torque of the
acceleration ramp
The characteristic indicates the maximum torque which
is run in the acceleration ramp.
For axes that also have a direct measuring system the overall rigidity curve over
the axis position is also displayed. The rigidity is determined independently of the
direction. The following rigidity characteristics are calculated: