A.2 System alarms
OP 73micro, TP 177micro (WinCC flexible)
Operating Instructions, 09/2007, 6AV6691-1DF01-0AB0
Number Effect/cause
280003 The connection used requires a function block in
the controller.
The function block has not responded.
Check if
the cable is plugged in
the controller is OK
the correct port is used
Restart the system if the system alarm persists.
Remedy depends on the error code:
1: The function block must set the COM bit in the
response container.
2: The function block must not set the ERROR bit in the
response container.
3: The function block must respond within the specified
time (timeout).
4: Go online to the PLC.
280004 The connection to the controller is interrupted.
There is no data exchange at present.
Check the connection parameters in WinCC flexible.
Ensure that the cable is plugged in, the controller is
operational, the correct interface is being used.
Restart the system if the system alarm persists.
290000 The recipe tag could not be read or written. It is
assigned the start value.
The alarm can be entered in the alarm buffer for up
to four more failed tags if necessary. After that,
alarm 290003 is output.
Check in the configuration that the address has been set
up in the controller.
290001 An attempt has been made to assign a value to a
recipe tag which is outside the value range
permitted for this type.
The alarm can be entered in the alarm buffer for up
to four more failed tags if necessary. After that,
alarm 290004 is output.
Observe the value range for the tag type.
290002 It is not possible to convert a value from a source
format to a target format.
The alarm can be entered in the alarm buffer for up
to four more failed recipe tags if necessary. After
that, alarm 290005 is output.
Check the value range or type of the tag.
290003 This alarm is output when alarm number 290000 is
triggered more than five times.
In this case, no further separate alarms are
Check in the configuration that the tag addresses have
been set up in the controller.
290004 This alarm is output when alarm number 290001 is
triggered more than five times.
In this case, no further separate alarms are
Observe the value range for the tag type.
290005 This alarm is output when alarm number 290002 is
triggered more than five times.
In this case, no further separate alarms are
Check the value range or type of the tag.
290006 The threshold values configured for the tag have
been violated by values entered.
Observe the configured or current threshold values of the