Operating alarms
9.3 Operating alarms on the TP 177micro
OP 73micro, TP 177micro (WinCC flexible)
Operating Instructions, 09/2007, 6AV6691-1DF01-0AB0
Alarm indicator
The alarm indicator is a graphical symbol that shows current errors or errors which need to
be acknowledged, depending on the configuration.
Figure 9-3
Alarm indicator with three queued alarms
The alarm indicator flashes as long as alarms are queued for acknowledgment. The number
indicates the number of queued alarms. The configuration engineer can assign functions to
be executed when the alarm indicator is touched.
Usually, the alarm indicator is only used for error alarms. Further information on this may be
available in your plant documentation.
Acknowledging an Alarm
The alarm to be acknowledged is shown in the alarm window or in the alarm view.
Either the alarm window or the alarm view is enabled.
The alarm must be acknowledged.
Proceed as follows to acknowledge an alarm:
Select the alarm by touching it in the alarm view or alarm window.
The alarm or all alarms of the corresponding acknowledgement group are acknowledged.
You may find additional information about acknowledgment groups in your plant
See also
Displaying alarms (Page 132)