A.2 System alarms
OP 73micro, TP 177micro (WinCC flexible)
Operating Instructions, 09/2007, 6AV6691-1DF01-0AB0
Number Effect/cause
80022 An attempt was made to start a sequence log,
which is not a sequence log, from a log using the
system function "StartSequenceLog". No sequence
log file is created.
In the project, check
if the "StartSequenceLog" system function was
properly configured
if the tag parameters are properly provided with data
on the HMI device
80023 An attempt was made to copy a log to itself.
The log is not copied.
In the project, check
if the "CopyLog" system function was properly
if the tag parameters are properly provided with data
on the HMI device
80024 The "CopyLog" system function does not allow
copying when the target log already contains data
("Mode" parameter). The log is not copied.
Edit the "CopyLog" system function in the project if
necessary. Before you initiate the system function, delete
the destination log file.
80025 You have canceled the copy operation.
Data written up to this point are retained. The
destination log file (if configured) is not deleted.
The cancellation is reported by an error entry
$RT_ERR$ at the end of the destination log.
80026 This alarm is output after all logs are initialized.
Values are written to the logs from then on. Prior to
this, no entries are written to the logs, irrespective
whether WinCC flexible Runtime is active or not.
80027 The internal Flash memory has been specified as
the storage location for a log. This is not
No values are written to this log and the log file is
not created.
Configure "Storage Card" or a network path as the
storage location.
80028 The alarm returns a status report indicating that the
logs are currently being initialized. No values are
logged until the alarm 80026 is output.
80029 The number of logs specified in the alarm could not
be initialized. The logs are initialized.
The faulty log files are not available for logging
Evaluate the additional system alarms , related to this
alarm which is also generated.
Check the configuration, the ODBC (Open Database
Connectivity) and the specified drive.
80030 The structure of the existing log file does not match
the expected structure.
Logging is stopped for this log.
Delete the existing log data manually, in advance.
80031 The log in CSV format is corrupted.
The log cannot be used.
Delete the faulty file.
80032 Logs can be assigned events. These are triggered
as soon as the log is full. If WinCC flexible Runtime
is started and the log is already full, the event is not
The log specified no longer logs data because it is
Close WinCC flexible Runtime, delete the log, then restart
WinCC flexible Runtime.
Configure a button which contains the same actions as
the event and press it.
80033 "System Defined" is set in the data log file as the
data source name. This causes an error. No data is
written to the database logs, whereas the logging to
the CSV logs works.
Install MSDE again.