W e b s i t e : w w w . s i c e t e l e c o m. i t
ISCRIZ. TRIBUNALE LUCCA N. 8661 - C.C.I.A.A. N. 103668
P. IVA 00871160461 - Tel. 0583 980787 - Fax 0583 981495
E - M a i l : i n f o @ s i c e t e l e c o m. i t
6.4.2. Warnings for the electrical safety
product parts are to be designed in compliance with EN 60950-1:2001-12 “information
technology equipment- Safety”. The equipment must be installed, started up, managed and
repaired only by properly trained personnel.
The following plate defines the points on the inner units of the system that can have voltages
exceeding the SELV and/or TNV levels described into EN60950 (>120 Vdc).
take care
Before supplying the equipment, it is necessary to complete the wiring of the connections to
the protection ground, the insertion of all the units and/or modules provided for the requested
configuration and also the connection of all the necessary connectors.
The connection to the protection ground must not be removed or damaged.
The equipment supplying system must be provided with a sectioning device upstream the
Before disconnecting the connectors, check that the supply has been removed by means of
the sectioning device installed upstream.
6.4.3. Microwave radiations
Microwave radiations can endanger your health. Ensure the transmitters are switched OFF
before working close to and in front of the antennas.
No dangerous level of microwave radiations exists outside the antenna feeder. Nevertheless, body
should not be exposed to the radiation in front of the antenna ( < 0.5 m) for a long time ( > 6
minutes ).
6.4.4. Dangerous materials
For the elimination at the end of life, this equipment is inside the 160214 class (other electronic
material out of order) of the EUROPEAN CATALOGUE OF WASTES defined with
CEE/CEEA/CECA decision NR. 2001/118/CE of 16-01-2001.
Inside this product, some materials can be present that must not be exposed to flames or to high
temperatures. Such conditions can cause toxic fumes that must not absolutely be inhaled.
Some metallic elements, necessary for the EMC shielding, content beryllium. Then it is necessary
to pay high attention during the use of such elements to avoid their breakage or abrasion.