W e b s i t e : w w w . s i c e t e l e c o m. i t
ISCRIZ. TRIBUNALE LUCCA N. 8661 - C.C.I.A.A. N. 103668
P. IVA 00871160461 - Tel. 0583 980787 - Fax 0583 981495
E - M a i l : i n f o @ s i c e t e l e c o m. i t
Working with the RCT
In case of remote supervision by a RCT, connect a PC to the IP Network which has been set up.
Then open the browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) and write in the Address field of the browser the IP
Address previously assigned to the equipment to be supervised.
The Main Window will be displayed as in the LCT mode (see Fig. 2.4) and the operator will be able
to perform all the operations described for the LCT in Chap. 2.
Other equipments can be simultaneously supervised opening new Internet Explorer browser
connections and entering the relevant IP Addresses of the different equipments to be supervised.
Note 1)
On an equipment only one CT can be logged in at the same time.
Note 2)
Care must be used when an equipment can be reached by RCT via the IP network only by using
the same radio link the equipment terminates. All commands which put the radio link out of service
must be avoided because they make the equipment unreachable and therefore service can be
restore only by a local manual intervention.
Working with the OS
Through the IP private network, configured as described above, a group of equipment can be
supervised by an OS.
The protocol between equipment and OS is a standard SNMP version v2c.
The MML interface supported by the OS is described in the relevant OS Operator Manual.
The supervision from OS can work simultaneously with operation from CT and there is no exclusion
rule between the two operators. A careful coordination is therefore required between the two
operators if connected simultaneously.
Recovery from abnormal conditions
Due to some abnormal events it may happen that an equipment cannot any longer be reached by
CT or OS using the IP address defined by the operator ( e.g. this may happen if the IP address of
the equipment is forgotten by the operator).
To recover from such cases the operator is requested to:
Restart the equipment three times waiting a time between 1 to 10 minutes between each
restart (switching Off/On the power).
After the third restart the default IP Address
is enabled in addition to the IP
Address stored in the equipment MIB.
Within a period of 10 minutes the operator can access the equipment by CT using such
default IP Address and regain control of the equipment. After such time the default Address
is in any case disabled and cannot any longer be used.
The operator is requested to redefine immediately by the TMN Settings window the normal
IP Address and reconnect itself using such normal Address. When the new IP Address is
defined the default Address is immediately disabled.
It has to be noted that using the default Address the SW Download is not allowed (except
the case where the operator set once again the IP address equal to the default address).