- 29 -
In the main screen, press MENU to display the menu shown in the following figure.
Sampling data ··········· Displays the last 5 sets of sampling data. (See page 30.)
Time setting ·············· Sets the internal clock. (See page 33.)
Screen setting ··········· Sets the LCD screen. (See page 34.)
Serial No. setting ······· Sets the serial number. (See page 34.)
Toggling flow rate correction method ······· Switches between the flow rate correction methods.
Error setting ············· Sets the threshold for errors (warnings). (See page 35.)
Calibration mode ······· Calibrates flow rate, temperature, and pressure. (See page 36.)
ESC key ·················· Pressing this key will return to the main screen.
Toggling the Flow Rate Correction Method
Press this key to toggle between 20
C 1 atmospheric correction, 25
C 1 atmospheric
correction, 0
C 1 atmospheric correction, and actual flow rate.
The toggled flow rate correction method can also be confirmed in the main screen.
Toggling flow rate
correction method
ESC key
Sampling data
Time setting
Screen setting
Serial No. setting
Calibration mode
Error setting
Flow rate
correction method