To the Guun versions (30 and 28) the trigger too is made in stainless steel and treated with a special
and innovative “self-lubricating” coating to optimize the shooting effort.
To the MAMBA and CONDOR versions the trigger is made with a special technopolymer with very high
mechanical properties.
The safety catch was designed with a specific shape and position on the handle to allow to the hunter to
understand immediately if the speargun is in fire position (ready to shoot) or in safety position, without
any possibility of mistake.
The seal between handle and aluminium barrel is guarantee by a separated and pivoting part, with two
seals O-ring style. This system guarantees a perfect seal in any condition, especially in case of strong
bending effort during the elastic bands loading during the loading procedure in the water and using very
powerful elastic bends (slings). This system, designed by Seac, has been already used with success on
other Seac models on the market since several years.
Aluminium Barrel
The barrel of all spearguns GUUN (30 and 28), Mamba and Condor Series are made in an aluminium
alloy with high mechanical properties and suitable for use in sea water: they are made by extrusion
technology, extrusion process allows to obtain the best performances from the material. All speargun
models have shaft guide integrated on the barrel and a small rib along all the barrel length in the lower
side; it has different use: to strengthen the barrel, as guide for the reel, as guide for the optional floater.
Guun 30 Guun 28 and Mamba muzzle
The GUUN 30, GUUN 28 and MAMBA muzzles are designed to bear two circular elastic bands (slings)
The muzzle is “open style”, in fact each of the two band (sling) seats have a opening in the lower side
that allows to insert elastic bands (slings) already assembled with the wishbone, Dyneema style or with
metallic bow, in this case the max dimension of the metallic bow to pass through the opening is 3 mm.
To the GUUN 30 and GUUN 28 at the end of the muzzles, on the upper side, it is not assembled the
stainless steel bow (retainer of the shaft), because these models come out with the “shark style” shaft
(with welded fins). Using this kind of shaft the shaft guide needs to be absolutely free, on the muzzle as
well. In this case the shaft needs to be fixed to the muzzle tip with nylon line.
The stainless steel bow is assembled to the MAMBA muzzle, because this model is equipped with a
standard Tahitian shaft style.
in case of a “Shark style” shaft use to a MAMBA speargun, it will be necessary to remove
the stainless steel bow before to use this kind of shaft, to avoid the “shark fins” hurt the
metallic bow during the shot. The metallic bow is mechanically assembled to the muzzle, so
it is easy to remove it from the muzzle, using a clamp.
This muzzle has an exclusive and smart line retainer system, in fact on the muzzle tip there
are two small grooves between the muzzle body and the central hard rubber insert; the
groove retains the nylon line during the loading operation and it allows to lock the shaft in
easy way and facilitate the loading, especially in rough sea condition.
The seal between the muzzle and the aluminium barrel is guarantee by two o-rings.
Condor Muzzle
Classic style muzzle, it comes out with a pair of twin elastic bands (slings) with threaded bushing. It is
also possible to assemble a supplementary circular sling (optional).
Depending on the speargun model and its relative equipment of shaft and elastic bands (slings), there
are different wishbones style: Dyneema, stainless steel, articulated and fix styles.
The reel, in two dimensions (30 meters or 50 meters of line diameter 1.5 mm) is already assembled to
GUUN 30 and 28, while it is an accessory for Mamba and Condor.
Correct assembly of the sling gun
• The sling gun is supplied with the monofilament kit to be assembled.
• In order to carry out this operation, it is first necessary to insert the connection sleeve on the
monofilament, after which the monofilament must be inserted in the bore located on the shank of the
spear. Ascertain that the loop that forms remains outside the triggering mechanism and immediately
afterwards, proceed with the closure of the loop, using pliers on the sleeve.
• At this point, we recommend connecting the shaft and sliding the monofilament along the shaft to the
• Continue with the running of the monofilament until it reaches the line release, after which, you must
return towards the head and create another loop by passing the line inside the specific pierced
plastic insert.
• Control the tension of the line so that it is close to the spear gun and firmly anchored to the line
releaser. The final step is to close the second sleeve with pliers.
• The speargun is now ready for use.
It is advisable to familiarize yourself with these movements in order to be able to carry
them out easily whenever it is necessary to load the spear.
Attachment of the shaft
• Always check that the shaft is fixed firmly. The classic "click” tells you that the operation is complete,
however as a safety precaution it is advisable to subsequently pull the shaft with your hands to be
sure that it is properly in place.
• Activate the safety catch by shifting the system ahead in relation to the position of the handle. In
some guns, movement is lateral. Now ensure that the trigger is blocked.
Correct assembly of the monofilament on the muzzle and on the line releaser
• Run the monofilament along the shaft until it reaches the muzzle. By passing the monofilament itself
under the wing to the left or right side of the muzzle.
• Continue with the running of the monofilament until it reaches the line releaser, after which, insert the
monofilament around the line releaser, pulling it slightly.
It is advisable to familiarize yourself with these procedures in order to be able to carry
them out easily whenever it is necessary to load the spear.
If using a reel, the pierced plastic insert is only used as a line guide.
Use of the Slings and the articulate wishbone for loading
• It is advisable to always wear gloves when loading your sling gun.
• Hold the rubbers in front of the wishbone, holding them between your fingers while pulling the elastics.
• For placing the articulate wishbone on the first notch, we advise resting the handgrip, which has been
designed for this purpose, against your weight belt in order to guarantee safe support during loading.
• In order to place it on the second notch, according to the individual’s strength or the length of the
speargun, a second positioning support is needed against the sternum. This will facilitate insertion of
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07/04/2016 14:26:47