Calculate (Combo Boxes only)
Calculate settings
to perform mathematical operations on form fields. For
details see
Setting Calculation
Options for List Boxes only
Multiple Selection:
If you mark this check box, users of your form will be able to
select more than one item in the list box.
Changing Radio Button Properties
Radio buttons can be grouped together under a common field name but with
different export values. (Unique export values are needed for CGI applications on a
Web server to identify each field.) To group radio buttons, create them one by one,
then give them all the same name. Grouped radio buttons are mutually exclusive –
i.e. only one of them can be selected.
Radio Button Style
Export value:
Enter a value for the chosen item to be exported to a CGI
(Common Gateway Interface) application during web-based data transfer from
your form.
Radio button
is checked by default: Decide whether to have the radio button
selected (checked) by default.
The same name and value are selected in unions:
Use this option if you want
to make the behavior of one radio button driven by another one. Create two radio
buttons, give them the same name, then mark this check box. This way,
whenever the user of your form marks or unmarks either of them, the other one
will follow suit.
Setting Actions
for details.
Changing Text Field Properties
In addition to common settings, the Text Field has additional settings:
Specify text alignment in the text field.
Default Text:
You can enter default text for the text field here (not required).
Multiple line:
Mark this checkbox to allow multi-line text.
Scroll long text:
Allow scrolling to show text that is too long to fit in the text field.
Limit of characters:
Specify the upper limit on the number of characters that
can be entered into the text field.
Mark this checkbox to have the text displayed as asterisks.