san ignacio SG-1523 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 16





BERGNER Europe S.L. guarantees SAN IGNACIO appliance for a period of 5 years, provided it is 

used as per the instructions on use herby attached.

The product you acquire is intended to be used only in standard home, thus guarantee does not 

include use in professional establishments, bad use, or abnormal wear not according to the care tips 

provided. If you find your product defective during the guarantee period, may the owner send the 

product, with the postage paid to: Bergner Europe S.L, Carretera del Aeropuerto, Kilómetro. 4, Edificio 

San Lamberto, Planta 3, 50011 Zaragoza, España. Bergner Europe S.L will then examine the product, 

and if it is found to be defective, BERGNER will replace the product for a new one, or, a similar product 

if it is no longer available.

This guarantee will be valid only against the presentation of dated proof of purchase and this 

guaranteed card and the purchase receipt of the product.

Information for the user of the product about the customer service: 
E-mail: [email protected]

Remember to send an email beforehand explaining what is happening, always enclosing a photocopy 

of the purchase receipt.

Chicken and egg croquettes

Ingredients (4-6 people): 

For 6-8 people:                                  1 chicken thigh 

2-3 eggs                                             1 onion 

1 leek                                                 1 carrot 

1 spring onion                                    135 gr. flour 

1/2 l. of milk                                        

Flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs 

Water                                                 Extra virgin olive oil 

Salt                                                     Nutmeg 



In the pressure cooker with water and salt, cook chicken with leek, onion and carrot. Close the lid and 

cook for 20-25 minutes. When chicken is tender, separate from bones and skins and mince.

Boil the eggs in a small saucepan with water and salt for 10 minutes.

Chop the onion and fry in a pan with oil over medium heat. Add flour and stir with a whisk until lightly 

browned. Take 1/2 l. of milk and stir well and add the same amount of broth, stirring constantly. Work 

the dough over low heat. Sprinkle with grated nutmeg. Add the béchamel sauce to the chicken together 

with chopped eggs. Mix well and cook over low heat for 20 to 25 minutes. Pour batter to a source and 

allow it to cool down.

Once the dough is cold, cut and shape into croquettes, roll them in flour, then in eggs and breadcrumbs 

and fry in a pan with hot oil.

When they are done, remove them from the pan to a plate covered with absorbent (or a tissue) to drain 

the excess oil.


Cake in a pressure cooker

Ingredients (8 people): 

1 ½ flour                                            1 cup sugar 

1 egg                                                  ½ cup oil 

1 cup milk                                           1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

For the glaze:                                     200 g of powdered sugar

10 tablespoons of water (about 75 ml)


Put eggs in a mixer and mix until smooth and frothy with as much 

as twice of its initial 

volume. Mix the eggs with sugar and oil, slowly add flour alternately with milk until smooth and lump-

free. Add the vanilla essence. 

Pour the mixture to a previously greased Bonio biscuit mould.

Place the mould inside of the pressure cooker and put the lid on and leave at high heat for 2 minutes, 

then lower the intensity of the fire and let it cook for 40-45 minutes.

Leave it for 10 minutes with fire turned off and check if the cake is baked with a knife, if it comes out 

dry, the cake is ready. Remove and unmould on a wire rack.

Preparation of the glaze 

Mix water with sugar and stir until completely integrated.

Once we have the icing ready we can cover the cake. Place the cake on a rack. It is important to pour 

the glaze at once and at the centre of the cake. Let it cool down at room temperature.

Ready for serving.

Содержание SG-1523


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Страница 57: ...ficulty using the product contact us at the following email Bei Schwierigkeiten bei der Verwendung Kontaktieren Sie uns unter der folgenden E Mail sat bergnereurope com Servicio de atenci n al cliene...
