Enable : Check this option if you want to use the FTP transfer.
Otherwise, deselect it.
Server URL : Enter the address for a FTP server to which you
will upload event images when an event occurs.
User ID : Provide the user ID that you have specified for the
FTP server.
Password : Enter the password that you have specified for
the FTP server.
FTP Directory : Check this option if you want to create a sub
directory under the directory that you have specified in the
server, in which you will save the transferred images. Use
characters or numeric figures for the directory name.
Event Application
Specify the time to apply the event recording. Three options are
available: Always, Off, Schedule.
> recognizes incoming events all the time,
> will recognize the event only at a specified time.
If selecting Schedule, you can specify the event checking time
for a specific time or day of the week like you make schedule.