The DVR accounts are classified in two: user and admin. The
admin account can access all features of the DVR without
restriction. You can add up to 10 users, each of whom can use
or access the DVR only within the permissions granted.
Admin Password : The default admin password is "
" that
can be changed. If you want to change the password,
provide 12-digit numbers for a new password.
User Password : All of the user passwords are the same as
, which can be changed.
Change : Select a user password that you want to change.
The default password can be exposed to a hacking thread so it is
recommended to change the password after installing the product.
Note that the security and other related issues caused by the unchanged password shall be responsible for the user.
You can set permissions for each user so that the user can use
the menus as allowed.
IP Filtering
With the IP Filtering function, you can allow or reject access to a
specific IP(s) from the DVR.
Access will be granted only to IPs listed; reject means that
access will be granted to any other IPs than listed. You can add
a max of 10 IPs to the list, all of which can be set to Allow or