NovaChat User’s Guide
Adding shortcuts to apps 53
Removing downloads 231
Audible and haptic feedback 194
Auditory prompts
Adding a scanning beep 157
Choosing a voice for auditory
prompts 158
Setting auditory prompts 156
Setting button auditory prompts
Setting volume 157
Using headphones 156
Using the device speaker 156
Auto restart scanning 156
Automatic capitalization 183
Automatic updates
Updating the Chat software using
Wi-Fi 213
Automatic uploads 200
Back icon 25
Using the Back icon with texting
Backing up a library of vocabulary
files to the same device 225
Backing up specified vocabulary
files to a USB flash drive 218
Backing up vocabulary files 217
Basic Scan 71
Charging 34
Checking battery status 34
Troubleshooting battery status
icons in the SDB 261
Viewing battery status icons 35
Broadcast mode 144
Connecting device to phone via
Bluetooth for texting 234
Setting up wireless switches 144
Turning on 259
Turning on and off 41
Using Airplane mode on older
devices to turn Bluetooth on
and off 41
Broadcast mode
Setting up Bluetooth (wireless)
switches 144
Button sequences
Capturing in ChatEditor 82
Button sets
Adding and removing 111
Copying and pasting 111
Modifying 111
Activating buttons on touch or
release 135
Adding a webhook event 254
Adding Acapela Vocal Smileys
Adding or changing an image 87
Adding or modifying actions 101
Adding or modifying button
images 87
Changing the label/message 85
Changing the skin tone of people
on buttons 97
Configuring pop-up speech to
develop literacy skills 138
Copying and pasting 109
Creating a button to show and
speak the date and/or time