TDP05K Advanced Thermal Dispersion Probe Airflow Measuring System Technical Bulletin
Release Date: 06/2022
Page 6
Operator Menu Submenus
(Actual Display Name)
Submenu Description
Enable Operator PIN
(Enable Oper PIN)
Allows user to select a PIN to access the Operator Menu and prevents unauthorized access of the
Operator Menu.
Change Operator PIN
(Change Oper PIN)
Allows user to change the Operator Menu PIN.
Flow Configuration
(Flow Config)
Configures system variables including duct size and shape, elevation, process type, and process
Display Configuration
(Display Config)
Selects LCD display parameters.
Analog Output 1 Parameters
(Output 1 Param)
Selects Analog Output 1 parameters including temperature, flow, or none.
Analog Output 2 Parameters
(Output 2 Param)
Selects Analog Output 2 parameters including temperature, flow, or none.
Temperature Low Pass Filter
(Temp LPF)
Selects the amount of filtering applied to the analog output for temperature.
Flow Low Pass Filter (Flow LPF)
Selects the amount of filtering applied to the analog output for flow.
Analog Output Calibration
(Output Cal Menu)
Adjusts the span for the analog outputs to match the input expected values.
Temperature Balance Menu
(Temp Bal Config)
Selects an offset to apply to the reported average temperature including front panel display,
, Modbus RTU, and Analog Outputs 1 and 2.
K-Factor Configuration
(KFactor Config)
Turns the K-Factor on and off and allows for the calculation or selection of gain and offset values.
Menu Inactivity Timeout
(Menu Timeout)
Selects a time period after which the backlight on the front panel display turns off when no menu
activity is detected and automatically returns to normal operation.
Network Configuration
Selects RS-485 network type (BACnet or Modbus) and allows configuration.
Alarm Configuration Menu
(Flow Alarm Configuration)
Configures high and low setpoints, deadband, and alarm delay settings and turns the high and
low flow RS-485 interface alarms on and off.
Alarm Configuration Menu
(Temperature Alarm
Configures high and low setpoints, deadband, and alarm delay settings and turns the high and
low RS-485 interface temperature alarms on and off.
Exit Operator Menu
(Exit Oper Menu)
Returns the display to normal operation.
Table 1: Operator Menu Submenus