TDP05K Advanced Thermal Dispersion Probe Airflow Measuring System Technical Bulletin
Release Date: 06/2022
Page 12
Temperature Output LPF (Low Pass Filter)
The Temperature Output LPF (Low Pass Filter) submenu is used to select the level of process filtering applied to the temperature outputs.
The levels are 0 to 9, with 0 indicating the filter is off and 9 indicating maximum filtering. The filtering affects the reported temperature
values and analog channels configured for temperature. Display Filter is an additional filter selection applied only to the display.
NOTE: Each unit of filtering is equal to 10% filtering. For example, 2 is equal to 20%.
Figure 8: Temperature Output LPF Flowchart
Selected Submenu
Submenu Selection Display
*Default values shown
Temperature Output LPF Submenu Selection
Configurable Option
Temperature Output LPF
Select between 0 to 9 (9 equals 90% filtering).
Analog Output 2 Submenu
Configurable Option
Output 2 Parameters
Select between flow, none, setpoint, and temperature.
Table 7: Analog Output 2 Submenu Selection and Configurable Option
Table 8: Temperature Output LPF Submenu Selection and Configurable Option
1. In the Operator Menu, press
to scroll to the Analog Output 2 submenu.
2. Press
3. Make any necessary updates to the submenu selection. See Table 7 for a description of the Analog Output 2 submenu selection
option and its configurable option.
1. In the Operator Menu, press
to scroll to the Temperature Output LPF submenu.
2. Press
3. Make any necessary updates to the submenu selection. See Table 8 for a description of the Temperature Output LPF submenu
selection option and its configurable option.