TDP05K Advanced Thermal Dispersion Probe Airflow Measuring System Technical Bulletin
Release Date: 06/2022
Page 4
The normal operation screens display the average temperature and average velocity or volume in the units selected. When the display is
configured for the International System of Units (SI), the display shows the temperature in Celsius and the average velocity in meters per
second or the volume as liters per minute. See Table 3 for the available units.
When the display is configured for Imperial, the display shows the temperature in Fahrenheit and the average velocity in Actual Cubic Feet
per Minute. See Table 3 for the available units.
You can use these push buttons during system configuration setup and while performing certain functions in the normal operation mode.
NOTE: An asterisk (*) appears on the top left corner of the display if the number of sensors has changed during normal operation mode.
The on board microprocessor in the TDP05K primary probe allows for system configuration, operating parameter selection, analog output
configuration, and display filtering. The primary probe is the automation interface and also acts as a primary across a wired network to
other ancillary probes (up to 15) and the remote display when that option is selected.
NOTE: Each primary and ancillary probe automatically reports temperature and flow based on the number of installed sensors (1 through 8)
per probe.
Verify configuration and change certain parameters, within defined ranges, in the configuration mode.
You can use the five membrane push buttons (MENU, ESC, UP, DOWN, and ENTER) on the front panel display cover to interface with the
TDP05K primary controller.