RDC6563F Standalone Fiber Cutting Control System User Manual V2.0
abnormal, it needs to be recalibrated until the calibration result is normal. If the
calibration result is abnormal all the time, you have to check whether the metal plate is
reliably turned on or the machine is disturbed.
After finished the calibration, the panel will showing up the calibration curve and data range.
And the calibration curve indicates the trend of the calibration process. If the calibration curve is
a relatively smooth curve, the calibration result is normal, you can press [Enter] to save the
calibration data; if the calibration curve is not smooth, or the calibration data has a large
deviation, the calibration result is abnormal, you can press [ESC] , the calibration data is invalid.
Since the metal cutting sensor is a capacitive sensitive device that is very sensitive to
external humidity and temperature, the system and amplifier and cutting head must be preheated
for at least 5 minutes before calibration to ensure that the components in the system are already
in a comparison and stable operating temperature.
4.1.3 Auto-tuning
The process of auto-tuning is to perform fine-tuning similar to high-frequency oscillation near
the height of the nozzle to automatically optimize the internal parameters. Before auto-tuning,
you need to ensure that the capacitor calibration has been performed and can be followed
normally and there is a metal plate under the cutting head that can follow.