RDC6563F Standalone Fiber Cutting Control System User Manual V2.0
When the first letter is pressed by pressing the letter key [ABC], the input box is displayed as
"A". If the key is pressed quickly, the input box will change to "B" → "C" → "A"... When the stop
button is waited for about one second, the last displayed letter is the first password, and the
second, third ... sixth password is entered according to this method.
Press [Enter] when inputting 6 passwords. If the password is correct, go to the next interface
or perform the operation. Otherwise, [Password Error] is displayed, please re-enter.
3.9.2 Password Settings
The password setting interface is shown below:
At this time, you can enter the password by pressing the numeric keys or the letter keys. If
the password is entered correctly, the new password will take effect, otherwise [Password Error]
will be displayed.