Location 208: Bypassed Zone Keypad Sounder Alert
If a "1" is programmed in location 208, the keypad sounder will create a pulsed output if a valid code is utilized to
arm the Ranger 9000E when one or more zones are bypassed. The code must be re-entered to silence the keypad
buzzer. Factory default is "0" and keypad sounder will not sound when arming occurs with a zone bypassed.
Location 209: AC Power Off Keypad Sounder Alert
If a "1" is programmed in location 209, the keypad buzzer will create a pulsed output if a valid code is used to arm
the Ranger 9000E with the AC power removed. The code must be re-entered to silence the keypad sounder. If a
"0" is programmed in this location, the control can be armed with the AC power removed with no keypad sounder
output. Factory default is "1" and the keypad sounder will sound if the control is armed with no AC power.
Location 210: Siren/Bell Test Feature
Programming a "1" in location 210 will cause the siren/bell to sound each time the [1] and [7] keys are pressed
simultaneously. The siren/bell can be silenced with an arm/disarm code. The siren/bell test does not cause the
communicator to transmit a message. Factory default is "0" and this feature is not enabled.
Location 211: Entry-Guard Security Feature
If a "0" is programmed in location 211, the control can be disarmed from the
mode by pressing the one
digit code that is programmed in location 245. Factory default is "1", and the
mode can only be
disarmed with a valid four digit user code.
Location 212: Ringback Feature
The 9000E can be programmed to create a two second audible output (siren or bell) upon one or more of the
selected events from the table below. Select the desired events for an audible ringback, add their values, and
program the sum in this location. Factory default is “0" and this feature is not enabled.
Closing Signal Kissoff
At Arming
At End of Exit Delay
Makes Instant Zones Instant/During Exit Delay
Location 213: Multiple Partition First To Open, Last To Close Report
If "1" is programmed in location 213 an opening report will be sent only after the first partition has been opened, and
a closing report will only be sent after all partitions have closed. All partitions must have enabled the opening and
closing communicator codes in the appropriate locations for this feature to work properly. Factory default is "0" and
partitions will report opening and closings individually according to the programming instructions entered for each