Locations 132: Communicator Dialing Sequence 0ptions
The number programmed into this location determines the sequence and method the communicator will utilize when
reporting an event code. Use the table below to build the appropriate number. Add the number(s) associated with
the desired features and program the sum in this location. Factory default is "12" which closely duplicates the
reporting characteristics of our smaller Ranger controls. A "12" is made up of a "4", which ties the account code to
the telephone number, and a "8", which causes the communicator to call phone #1 (Locations 080-095) the number
of attempts listed in location 133 first, and then that same number to the phone #2 (Locations 102-117), if phone #2
is programmed. After the selected number of attempts has been made, the communicator will not take any other
Alternate between phone #1 and phone #2 in increments of two calls to each until the selected
number of attempts have been made.
The communicator attempts the number of calls programmed in location 133 to phone #1, and
if unsuccessful, it will delay 5 minutes and attempt the same number of calls to phone #2, if so
This entry will force the communicator to tie the account code to the phone number.
The communicator attempts the number of calls programmed in location 133 to phone #1, and
if unsuccessful, the same number of attempts to phone #2, if so programmed.
If a "0" is entered, the account code corresponds to the partition.
Location 133: Entering The Number Of Dial Attempts
Location 133 is used to enter the number of dial attempts ( 1 to 15 Attempts) the communicator will try for the
appropriate phone number(s) before ending the notification process. Factory default is "8" and the communicator
will make 8 attempts to the first number, and then eight attempts to the second number, if a second number is
programmed. If the factory default is modified in location 132, the first and second numbers will be called at a
minimum the number times listed in this location, however this number might double and the sequence might change
according to the number programmed.
Location 134: Programming The Entry Delay Time
Location 134 contains the number of 10 second increments in the entry delay. The entry delay can be programmed
in 10 second increments from 10 to 150 seconds ("1" = 10 seconds through "15"= 150 seconds). For example,
programming a "2" in this location will produce an entry delay of 20 seconds. (Note: A "0" entry is treated as 0
seconds). Programming a "6" in this location will produce an entry delay of 60 seconds. Factory default is 30
Location 135: Programming The Exit Delay Time
Location 135 contains the number of 10 second increments in the exit delay. The exit delay can be programmed in
10 second increments from 10 to 150 seconds ("1" = 10 seconds through "15"= 150 seconds). For example,
programming a "2" in this location will produce an exit delay of 20 seconds. (Note: A "0" entry is treated as 0
seconds). Programming a "6" in this location will produce an exit delay of 60 seconds. Factory default is 60 seconds.
Location 136: Programming The Secondary Entry Delay (Zone Type 7)
Location 136 contains the number of 10 second increments in the entry delay, when an entry delay is initiated by
a zone type 7. This entry delay can be programmed in 10 second increments for 10 to 150 seconds ("1" = 10
seconds through "15" = 150 seconds. (Note: A "0" entry is treated as zero (0) seconds). Programming a "6" in this
location will produce an entry delay of 60 seconds.