ISCOM2600G-HI (A) Series Configuration Guide
Raisecom Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Raisecom Technology Co., Ltd.
Bootfile Filename: --
NTP Server IP Addr: --
Root Path: --
DHCP Client Mode: Normal Mode
Interface : vlan10
Hostname: Raisecom
Class-ID: Raisecom-ROS_5.2.1
Client-ID: Raisecom-000e5e112233-IF0
DHCP Client Is Disabled.
Assigned IP Addr:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway: --
Client Lease Starts: Jan-01-1970 08:00:00
Client Lease Ends: Jan-01-1970 08:00:00
Client Lease Duration: 0(sec)
DHCP Server:
TFTP Server Name: --
TFTP Server IP Addr: --
Bootfile Filename: --
NTP Server IP Addr: --
Root Path: --
6.2 Zero-configuration
6.2.1 Introduction
Zero-configuration refers to that the device needs no manual configurations; it automatically
sends DHCP packets for applying for an IP address to the zero-configuration server, and
automatically downloads the configurations file from the zero-configuration server to update
its configurations after obtaining the IP address from the zero-configuration server. Figure 6-5
shows zero-configuration server networking.