ISCOM2600G-HI (A) Series Configuration Guide
2 Ethernet
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Copyright © Raisecom Technology Co., Ltd.
distinguishes them by the destination MAC address and transmits them to different GARP
applications (such as GAVP) for processing.
GARP messages
GARP members exchange data by transmitting messages, including the following three types
of messages:
Join message: a GARP application entity sends a Join message when:
It needs another device to register its attributes (such as VLAN information).
It receives a Join message from other entities; or it has been statically configured with
some parameters, and needs another GARP application entity to register.
Leave message: a GARP application entity sends a Leave message when:
It needs another device to register its attributes.
It receives a Join message from other entities to deregister its attributes or it statically
deregisters its attributes.
LeaveAll message: when the GARP application entity is started, the LeaveAll timer
starts. It sends a LeaveAll message when this timer expires. The LeaveAll message is
used to deregister all attributes so that other GARP application entities can register all
attributes of the GARP application entity. When the GARP application entity receives a
LeaveAll message from the peer, its LeaveAll time is restored and then starts.
The Leave message or LeaveAll message cooperates with the Join message to deregister
or reregister attributes. Through message exchange, all attributes to be registered can be
transmitted to all GARP entities in the same LAN.
GARP timer
The interval for sending the GARP message is controlled by timers. GARP defines three
timers to control the interval.
Join timer: if no message is replied to the first Join message sent by the GARP
application entity, this entity will send another Join message to ensure secure
transmission. The interval between sending these two messages is controlled by the Join
timer. If the entity has received reply from other GARP application entities, it will not
send the Join message.
Leave timer: when a GARP application entity needs to deregister an attribute, it sends a
Leave message to another GARP application entity which will later start a Leave timer.
It deregisters the attribute if failing to receive the Join message to deregister the attribute
before the Leave timer expires.
LeaveAll timer: when a GARP application entity starts, its LeaveAll timer also starts.
When the LeaveAll timer expires, the GARP application entity sends a LeaveAll
message so that other GARP application entities can register all attributes of the GARP
application entity. Then, the LeaveAll timer is restored and starts retiming.
GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) is a GARP application. Based on GARP
working mechanism, it maintains VLAN dynamic registration information of the switch, and
sends the information to other switches.
All GVRP-supportive switches can receive VLAN registration information from other
switches, and dynamically update local VLAN registration information. In addition, all