ISCOM2600G-HI (A) Series Configuration Guide
2 Ethernet
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Copyright © Raisecom Technology Co., Ltd.
packet from other devices, which can be told by comparing the MAC address of the device
and the MAC address carried in the packet.
Loop types
Common loop types include self-loop and inner loop.
As shown in Figure 2-20, Switch B and Switch C are connected to the user network.
Self-loop: a user loop on the same Ethernet interface of the same device. User network B
has a loop, which forms self-loop on GE 1/1/2 on Switch B.
Inner loop: a loop forming on different Ethernet interfaces of the same device. GE 1/1/1
and GE 1/1/3 on Switch C forms an inner loop with the user network A.
Figure 2-20
Loop detection networking
Principles for processing loops
The ISCOM2600G-HI series switch processes loops as below:
If the device sending the loop detection packet is the one receiving the packet but the
interface sending the packet and the interface receiving the packet are different, process
the interface with the smaller interface ID to eliminate the loop (inner loop).
If the interface sending the packet and the interface receiving the packet are the same,
process the interface to eliminate the loop (self-loop).
In Figure 2-20, assume that both Switch B and Switch C connect user network interfaces
enabled with loop detection. The system processes loops for the three loop types as below:
Self-loop: the interface sending the packet and the interface receiving the packet on
Switch B are the same, the configured loop detection action will be taken to eliminate the
loop on GE 1/1/2.
Inner loop: Switch C receives the loop detection packets sent by it and the interface
sending the packet and the interface receiving the packet are the same, the configured
loop detection action will be taken to eliminate the loop on the interface with a bigger
interface number, namely, GE 1/1/3.
Action for processing loops
The action for processing loops is the method for the ISCOM2600G-HI series switch to use
upon loop detection. You can define different actions on the specified interface according to
actual situations, including: