User Manual 3153
Using The Instrument 3-21
This sets the trigger level for the signal, which is applied at the TRIG IN
connector. The default value is 1.6 V so there is no need to modify this
value if you apply a TTL level signal to the trigger input.
The query:
queries the trigger level and returns a value in Volts.
Programming the
Trigger’s Start Phase
The model 3153 generates waveforms from its memory. The waveforms
are either downloaded by the user, or computed from built-in equations.
For example, if you select the sine waveform, the 3153 has to compute
this function and place the appropriate values in its memory. The
waveform is then generated by applying the digital point values to the
Having full control over point position is an advantage because now one
can specify what will be the first point to be clocked by the generator.
This control is referred to as trigger’s start phase offset. The parameter
is programmed in waveform points. For example, a 4000-point sine
waveform is downloaded and the generator is set for triggered mode
with the start phase offset set to 1000 points (1000/4000x360=90
). The
output will generate positive going haversines. Similarly, if you set the
start phase offset to 3000 points(3000/4000x360=270
), the output will
generate negative going haversines.
The phase offset parameter is programmable in integer
multiples of 4 points. If you use phase offset values that
are not divisible by 4, the generator automatically rounds
the number up or down to the nearest valid multiple of 4.
Use the following command to program the start phase offset:
TRIGger:PHASe <trigger_phase_offset>
Trigger phase offset is set in waveform points.
The query:
queries the trigger phase offset and returns an integer number
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