User Manual 3153
Using The Instrument 3-10
Selecting an Output
There are three main types of waveforms that the model 3153 can
produce: Standard (fixed), Arbitrary (user) and Sequenced waveforms.
Standard waveforms are computed from formulas that are built into the
Model 3153. The instrument can output arbitrary and sequenced
waveforms only after waveform, segment, and sequence data has been
downloaded into its memory.
Use the following command to select the output function type:
FUNCtion:MODE {FIXed | USER | SEQuence}
When “FIXed” is selected, the generator outputs the standard waveform
currently selected by the FUNC:SHAP command. When “USER” is
selected, the generator outputs the arbitrary waveform currently
selected by the TRAC:SEL command. When “SEQuence” is selected,
the generator outputs the sequence that is programmed using the
SEQ:DEF command.
The query:
Queries the output function type and returns FIX, USER or SEQ.
Selecting a Standard
Function Shape
Standard (fixed) waveforms are built into the instrument’s program. Nine
standard function shapes are available: Sine, Triangle, Square, Pulse,
Ramp, Sinc, Exponential decaying pulse, Gaussian pulse, and dc. Every
time a standard function is selected the coordinates for this function are
re-computed and placed in the waveform memory. Therefore, there is
a minimal delay from when you select the function until the output starts
generating the waveform.
Use the following command to select a standard output function:
FUNCtion:SHAPe {SINusoid | TRIangle | SQUare | PULSe |
RAMP | SINC | EXPonential | GAUSsian | DC}
The selected waveform is generated using the previously selected
frequency, amplitude, offset, and other relevant settings. The standard
waveform is available at the output connector only after the
FUNC:MODE:FIX command is selected.
The query:
Queries the standard function shape and returns either SIN, TRI, SQU,
The Standard Waveform Instrument Control Panel from WaveCAD is
shown in Figure 3-2 as an example of a high-level implementation of
Standard Waveform Selection.
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