Configuration/Library/Network Screen
Figure 9-3 The Configuration/Library/Network Screen
The Configuration/Library/Network screen allows for the configuration of the library
to communicate via FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP, the internet and email.
Information on these pages may be edited by pressing the Edit button. Information on
this screen may be edited by pressing the Edit button. Note that changes to the screen
will not be saved until the Save button is pressed. Pressing the Cancel button will
remove all of the current editing and revert to the last saved version of the screen.
Section Field
Network Configuration
Ethernet Mac Addr.
Displays the unique Qualstar
Mac (media access control)
value when communicating in
a network environment.
Allows the library to
communicate via FTP (File
Transfer Protocol).
On or Off
Allows the library to
communicate via HTTP.
On or Off
Allows the library to
communicate via Telnet.
On or Off
Network IP4 Configuration
DHCP Enable
This option enables the network
interface to use DHCP to obtain
its network address values.
On or Off
Configuration Page
511000 Rev. F