Configuration Page
When more than one partition has been created their contents may be viewed and
edited simply by touching the elements and arranging them into the desired logical
library partitions.
Example Partition Configuration Screen
Figure 9-17
t side
Drive page consists of multiple pages (up to five of these in a single
RLS-85XX while an RLS-8350 can have up to three.) When the FastPass elevator
expansion option is used, up to four RLS-85XX libraries can be interconnected for a
total of up to 20 potential drive configuration pages. Each page can be viewed by
pressing the up or down buttons in the bottom left corner of the page. Information on
these pages may be edited by pressing the Edit button. Note that changes to these
screens will not be saved until the Save button is pressed. Pressing the Cancel button
will remove all of the current editing and revert to the last saved version of the drive
Figure 9-17 shows an example library with three partitions. Partition 1 contains th
left I/O port, the left storage matrix and tape drives T1 and T2. Partition 2 contains
tape drive T3, the right side I/O port, along with columns A and B of the righ
storage matrix. Partition 3 contains tape drives T4 and T5 along with columns C and
D of the right side storage matrix.
onfiguration/Drive Page
The Configuration/
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