Configuration Page
As a default all characters except the current one being entered on the screen
will be represented by an *, but all the characters can be shown by pressing the
View button. Pressing the Hide button will return to the asterisk view.
Figure 9-11 The Hide and View modes
In this example “THISISASAMPLE” was used as the encryption key and the key
8”. The key digest allows for determination of what
encryption key is currently in the library, if it has been changed and will help
digest generated “D4AB02A
determine if there was an error in entering the encryption key.
Figure 9-1
To confirm that you entered the key you intended to enter and/or determine if
there were any errors when the encryption key was entered, press on the
Encryption Key Confirmation field and once again enter the characters that
make up the encryption key. When completed the Encryption Key and
Encryption Key Confirmation fields will be the same shade of green and the Save
button will become active if the encryption key characters are identical. If the
Entering the Encryption Key
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