Daily Max Time
Enter the maximum amount of accumulated on-time, in Hand or Auto modes, that the
relay can have between midnight and midnight the next day. If the time is exceeded, the
relay will deactivate, and a Daily Max Timeout alarm will be triggered. The alarm will
clear, and relay allowed to reactivate at midnight the next day.
If the relay was in Hand mode when the alarm was triggered, it will revert to whichever
HOA state it was in prior to being set to Hand.
To override the Daily Max Limit for the rest of the day, press Reset Output
Relay or Control Outputs, Volumetric Blending Control Mode
Volumetric Blending is used to mix two liquid streams together at a fixed ratio. The relay controls a diverter valve
that alternates between two sources, metering in a programmable accumulator volume when the relay is deactivat-
ed, and then switches to a programmable blend volume when the relay is activated.
This control mode includes an optional disturbance input that is multiplied by the user-entered blend volume. A
common example is to mix two cooling tower makeup water sources, and then to use the makeup conductivity as a
disturbance input to adjust the ratio.
Output Details
The details for this type of output include the relay on/off state, HOA mode or Interlock status, accumulated on-
time, alarms related to this output, relay type, and the current control mode setting.
Touch the Edit icon to view or change the settings related to the relay.
Accumulator Volume
Enter the volume through the flow meter with the relay deactivated.
Blend Volume
Enter the volume through the flow meter with the relay activated.
Flow Input
Select the flowmeter input to be used to control this output.
Disturbance Input
Select the virtual input or analog output to be used to multiplied by the control setpoint
(Blend Volume).
Daily Max Time
Enter the maximum amount of accumulated on-time, in Hand or Auto modes, that the
relay can have between midnight and midnight the next day. If the time is exceeded, the
relay will deactivate, and a Daily Max Timeout alarm will be triggered. The alarm will
clear, and relay allowed to reactivate at midnight the next day.
If the relay was in Hand mode when the alarm was triggered, it will revert to whichever
HOA state it was in prior to being set to Hand.
To override the Daily Max Limit for the rest of the day, press Reset Output
5.3.24 Relay or Control Outputs, Dual Switch Control Mode
Dual Switch mode is typically used to fill or empty a tank, using a level switch contact closure to activate the relay
when the liquid level is at one extreme and deactivate the relay at the other extreme. It is more versatile than that;
the on and off triggers may be any digital input or relay output state.
Note that the Dual Switch control relay will only respond to trigger relay state changes that occur when that relay
is in Auto mode, not if the trigger is activated manually using Hand or Off modes.
Output Details
The details for this type of output include the relay on/off state, HOA mode Interlock or delay status, current cycle
on time, time on over the past 24 hours, the total accumulated on-time since the last reset, alarms related to this