Set point
This setting only appears if the control mode of the Lead output is On/Off or Dual
Setpoint and the Activation Mode above is Setpoint Based.
Enter the process value for the input assigned to the Lead output that will trigger an
additional output to activate.
Set point 2
This setting only appears if the control mode of the Lead output is Dual Setpoint and
the Activation Mode above is Setpoint Based.
Enter the process value for the input assigned to the Lead output that will trigger an
additional output to activate.
This setting only appears if the control mode of the Lead output is On/Off or Dual
Setpointand the Activation Mode above is Setpoint Based.
Enter the sensor process value away from the set point(s) at which the relay will
Delay Time*
This setting only appears if the control mode of the Lead output is On/Off, Dual
Setpoint, Spike or Manual.
Enter the amount of time, if any, to delay the activation of the output.
Activate With Channels
This setting only appears if the control mode of the Lead output is Manual and the
activation mode is Switch Based.
Select one or more digital input and/or relay output channels that, if activated, will also
activate the Lag output
Reset Time Total
Enter this menu to clear the accumulated time that the output has been activated. This
value is used for Time Balanced or Time Unbalanced wear leveling.
Output Time Limit
Enter the maximum amount of time that the relay can be continuously activated. Once
the time limit is reached, the relay will deactivate until the Reset Output Timeout menu
is entered.
Reset Output Timeout
Enter this menu to clear an Output Timeout alarm and allow the relay to control the
process again.
The name used to identify the relay may be changed.
Select the desired control mode for the output.
Several standard settings that are available for most control modes are not available for Lag outputs. These features
affect the entire Lead Lag group and can be specified only within the Lead output’s settings. The settings for these
fields are propagated down through the entire Lead Lag group when changed for the Lead output. Although the
settings for these fields are identical for all outputs in the Lead Lag group, the handling by each Lag output may be
independent or group-managed.
Below are the settings that are in the Lead Relay settings that will affect the Lead Lag group:
Interlock Channels
Select the relays and digital inputs that will interlock this relay and all others in the
Min Relay Cycle
Enter the number of seconds that will be minimum amount of time that each relay in
the group will be in the active or inactive state.
Normally this will be set to 0, but if using a motorized ball valve that takes time to
open and close, set this high enough that the valve has time to complete its movement.
Hand Time Limit
Enter the amount of time that each relay in the group will activate for when it is in
Hand mode.
Hand Output
This menu only appears for pulse relay or analog output Lead outputs.
Enter the output % desired for each output in the group when the output is in Hand