Move Up or Down icons appear in Edit Home Screen Layout and are used to move a parame-
ter up and down in it’s position on the screen
Delete icon appears in Edit Home Screen Layout and is used to delete all contents in that
section of the Home screen <task_delete>
Return icon appears in Output menu HOA Setting and returns to the list of settings for that
output. <nav_back>
Overview of the use of icons
Changing Numeric Values
To change a number, use the Character Delete icon to the digit to be changed. If the new number will be neg-
ative, start with touching the minus sign, then use the numeric touchpad and decimal point to type the number
(some entries must be integers and the decimal will be ignored and the setting rounded to the nearest integer).
Once the value of the number is correct touch the Confirm icon to store the new value into memory, or touch the
Close icon to leave the number at its previous value and go back.
Changing Names
To change the name used to identify an input or output, use the QWERTY keypad. Upper case and lower case
letter, numbers, a blank space, period, and symbols are available. Touching a key and sliding up will enter the
character in the upper corner of the key, or bring up that character with its possible accents, if applicable. Double
tapping the shift key acts as a caps lock. Once the word is correct, use the Enter icon to store the new value into
memory, or use the Close icon to leave the word at its previous value and go back.
Choosing from a List
Selecting the type of sensor, the units of measure of an input, or the control mode used for an output, the selec-
tion is picked from a list of available options. Swipe if necessary to find the desired option, and then touch the
option to highlight it. Touch the Confirm icon to store the new option into memory, or touch the
Close icon to
leave the selection at its previous value and go back.
The Filter icon may be used to limit the items displayed in the list. Touch the Filter icon to bring up the types of
I/O that may be filtered and then touch any that should be filtered out. Most common is to filter out “Unassigned
Channels”. Touch the Confirm icon to filter the list or Cancel to show all channels.
Hand-Off-Auto Relay Mode
Touch the desired relay mode. In Hand mode the relay is forced on for a specified amount of time and when that
time is up the relay returns to its previous mode, in Off mode the relay is always off until taken out of Off mode,
and in Auto mode the relay is responding to control set points. Touch the Return icon to go back to the relay
Interlock and Activate with Channels Menus
To select which digital inputs or relays will interlock this relay (Interlock Channels), or which digital inputs or
relays will force this relay on (Activate with Channels), touch the input or relay number(s). The background of
the selected item will turn dark. When finished selecting as many as needed, touch the Confirm icon to accept the
changes or the Close icon to leave the selections at the previous settings and go back.
4.4 Startup
Initial Startup
After having mounted the enclosure and wired the unit, the controller is ready to be started. Plug in the controller
and turn on the power switch to supply power to the unit. The display will briefly show the logo and then revert to
the Home display. Refer to section 5 below for more details on each of the settings.
To return Home, Close any active menu and touch the Home tab on the top of the screen.