4.1 Front Panel
Figure 20 Front Panel
4.2 Touchscreen
A Home screen is displayed while the controller is on. Across the top of the screen are tabs for each major menu group:
Home, Inputs, Outputs, Graphs, HOA (Hand – Off – Auto output operation), Configuration, and Alarms. Touching the
tab brings up the menus associated with that group. Swiping left or right across the Home screen will bring up the next
group in that direction.
Below these tabs, this display shows user-defined fields containing input readings or status of outputs. Touching any of
these fields on the Home Screen will bring up the item’s Details Screen, where you can access calibration and setting
menus or graph that parameter. If more than one page of items is selected to be displayed on the Home screen, it will
automatically scroll between them, or swiping up or down manually moves to the next page. A yellow bar on the right
will indicate if multiple pages are available and where the current page is relative to the others.
4.3 Icons
The following icons appear on the Home screen.
Touch the icon to get to the menu selections.
Alarm Menu
Inputs Menu
Outputs Menu