3302C Series Mainframe Operation Manual A-3
BASICA Example Program
100 REM You must merge this code with DECL.BAS
105 REM
110 REM Assign a unique identifier to the device "dev5" and store it in variable load%.
125 REM
130 udname$ = "dev5"
140 CALL ibfind (udname$,load%)
145 REM
150 REM Check for error on ibfind call
155 REM
160 IF load% < 0 THEN GOTO 2000
165 REM
170 REM Clear the device
175 REM
180 CALL ibclr (load%)
185 REM
190 REM Get the 3310 series module load specification
195 REM
200 wrt$ = "NAME?" : CALL ibwrt(load%,wrt$)
210 rd$ = space$(20) : CALL ibrd(load%,rd$)
215 REM
220 REM Set the channel 1, preset off, current sink 1.0 amps and load on commands to the
225 REM
230 wrt$ = "chan 1;pres off;cc:low 0.0;cc:high 1.0;load on"
240 CALL ibwrt(load%,wrt$)
245 REM
250 REM Get the load actially sink current from the load
255 REM
260 wrt$ = "meas:curr?" : CALL ibwrt(load%,wrt$)
270 rd$ = space$(20) : CALL ibrd(load%,rd$)
275 REM
280 REM Go to local
285 REM
290 CALL ibloc(load%)
2000 REM Error routine to notify that ibfind failed.
2010 REM Check software configuration.
2020 PRINT "ibfind error !" : STOP