#CN2288 Metal
Servo Arm Pack
The next section covers setting the pushrods and servos that will control the helicopter. It is important at this time that you
review the instructions provided with your radio that control the ccpm mixing for the 3 cyclic servos. Reviewing the radio
instructions will assist you in becoming familiar with the functions that affect the individual servos and affect the interaction
of the three servos working together to control the swashplate.
Radio Setup Procedure
1. It is best to choose a new model memory (if available) and use the Reset feature to remove any previous settings or mixes,
remember this usually also returns the radio configuration to single servo.
2. Locate and activate the swashplate mixing for 120
ccpm (most manufacturers set single servo by default).
3. Return both the aileron and elevator subtrims to neutral along with any hover pitch knobs to neutral.
4. Adjust the servo reversing switch to make sure the servos are moving in the correct direction, together as the collective
stick is raised. If the servo reversing does not correct the movement of a servo, there is always a travel adjustment function
inside the swashplate mixing menu. Change the default setting to be opposite, for example, if set to +60 then change to
-60 and change any servos that are affected.
5. After each servo horn is mounted, it is critical that the horn be 90
degrees to the respective pushrod.
Before proceeding, the three CCPM servos should be identical in speed and torque. Install the rubber grommets and eyelets
from the bottom of the servo tabs. Install the two front CCPM servos from the outside of the servo side frames using eight
M2.3x12 Phillips screws from the top of the servo and securing using four plastic servo mount tabs. The tabs need to be
held with pliers from the inside of the servo frame. The steel balls installed on the servo horns must be positioned at a 20mm
radius from the center of the servo. Install two ultra short M2 steel balls to the bottom of each servo horn, 180
apart and
secure with two M2 hex nuts. Install one ultra short steel ball on the bottom of the elevator servo horn, positioned at 20mm
radius from the servo center and secure with one M2 hex nut. Attach pushrods D & E and adjust the servo horn subtrims to
level the swashplate.
Pushrod D 120mm (center to center) x 4
Pushrod E 100mm (center to center) x 1
Step 54 CCPM Radio Review and Setup
The goal in the end after all the servos are mounted is to have the swashplate sit level or at 90
degrees to the main shaft and
have the swashplate move equally fore, aft and side to side. The swashplate will also travel up and down as the three servos
work together. This will result when the radio setup procedure has been followed and the servo centering for the 3 CCPM
servos set very, very accurately to eliminate pitch change when moving the aileron or elevator sticks.
Step 55 Front and Rear CCPM Pushrod Setup
#CNLR1018 Ultra
Short Steel Ball x 5
& M2 Hex Nut x 5
Lower Linkage Rod
Be carefull when attaching the ball links, to ensure
they are attached in the correct direction.
#HI6145 Ball Link
Set (26 long & 4 short)