To set NVR Date & Time:
1. You may set the NVR date and time by any of the following three ways:
a. Synchronize the NVR date and time with NTP (Network Time Protocol)
time. Select the NTP Server you want to use.
b. Synchronize the NVR with the computer time.
c. Manually set the Date and Time by entering the Date and Time in the
2. Click the “Submit” button to save the setting.
Go to the “Advanced” page and click the menu “Database”
“Management” to
display the Management page.
To view the management records:
The list shows the Management log you have done for a certain channel in a period
of time.
1. Select the Channel from the drop-down list.
2. Define the time period by selecting the time period in “Y/M/D To Y/M/D” drop-
down lists.
3. Check “Alarm” or “Normal” radio button to display the desired records.
the “Search” button, and the list below will show the Management log you
have done for the channel during that period.