PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
3) WAN
Define the download speed of the WAN interface
Data type: Integer, in the range of 5 and 100 Mbps
4) User Uplink Speed
Define the user default upload speed.
Data type: Integer, in the range of 32 and 65535 kbps
5) User Downlink Speed
Define the user default download speed
Data type: Integer, in the range of 32 and 65535 kbps
Parameters (Traffic Shaping Table)
1) Protocol
The protocol to use.
Available choice: UDP, TCP and Both
2) Port
The port number
Data type: Integer, in the range of 1 and 65535
3) Min
The minimum size of the data packet
Data type: Integer, in the range of 1 and 65535
4) Max
The maximum size of the data packet
Data type: Integer. in the range of 1 and 65535
5) Priority
The priority to be assigned to the rule
Available choice: Background, Video, Voice and Best Effort
6) Comment
An optional comment regarding the table entry
Data type: Display String
7) Status
PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
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