PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
Configure the Mesh AP
At this section, we will look into every configuration pages of the Mesh AP one by one, and
briefly describe the parameters in the pages.
System > System
The System page is the general settings page of the AP.
1) System
The generic name of the Mesh AP unit.
Data type: Display String
2) System
The generic physical location name of the Mesh AP Unit
Data type: Display String
3) System
The operation mode of the Mesh AP unit
Options: Gateway, Relay, Client-relay, Layer 2 Gateway, Layer 2 Relay
Layer 3 Gateway Mode. In a Mesh network Gateway mode is the
path to the Internet for the whole Mesh network behind.
WAN port is active and will be used for Internet Connection.
Three types of Internet connection will be available, please refer
PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
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