Pizzato Elettrica Srl
via Torino, 1
e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.pizzato.com
Phone: +39.0424.470.930
1.1 Function
The present instruction manual provides information on installation, connection and
safe use for the following articles:
NG 2
•••••••, VN NG-F••
1.2 Target audience
The operations described in this instruction manual must be carried out by qualified
personnel only, who are fully capable of understanding them, and with the technical
qualifications required for operating the machines and plants in which the safety de-
vices are to be installed.
1.3 Application field
These instructions apply exclusively to the products listed in paragraph Function, and
their accessories.
1.4 Original instructions
The Italian language version is the original set of instructions for the device. Versions
provided in other languages are translations of the original instructions.
This symbol indicates any relevant additional information
Attention: Any failure to observe this warning note can cause damage or mal-
function, including possible loss of the safety function.
3.1 Device description
The safety device described in this manual is defined as a coded, type-4 interlocking
device with lock and without contact acc. to EN ISO 14119.
The safety switches with solenoid and RFID technology to which these usage
instructions refer are safety devices designed and implemented for the control
of gates, guards, enclosures, and doors in general, which are installed to protect
dangerous parts of machines with or without inertia.
3.2 Intended use of the device
- The device described in this manual is designed to be applied on industrial machines
for state monitoring of movable guards.
- The direct sale of this device to the public is prohibited. Installation and use must be
carried out by qualified personnel only.
- The use of the device for purposes other than those specified in this manual is
- Any use other than as expressly specified in this manual shall be considered unin-
tended by the manufacturer.
- Also considered unintended use:
a) using the device after having made structural, technical, or electrical modifications
to it;
b) using the product in a field of application other than as described in paragraph
Attention: Installing a protective device is not sufficient to ensure operator safety
or compliance with machine safety standards or directives. Before installing a protec-
tive device, perform a specific risk analysis in accordance with the key health and
safety requirements in the Machinery Directive. The manufacturer guarantees only
the safe functioning of the product to which this instruction manual refers, and not the
functional safety of the entire machine or entire plant
4.1 Actuation directions
The centring symbols
on the device and actuator must be facing each other.
4.2 Selection of the actuator type
Attention: The device is available with two types of RFID actuator: with high (arti-
cle VN NG-F31) or low (article VN NG-F30) level of coding. If the chosen actuator has
a low level of coding, the additional specifications given in Std. EN ISO 14119:2013
paragraph 7.2 must be applied during the installation.
Attention: If the chosen actuator has a low level of coding, any other low level
coded actuators present in the same place where the device has been installed must
be segregated and kept under strict control in order to avoid any bypassing of the
safety device. If new low level coded actuators are fitted, the original low level coded
actuators must be disposed of or rendered inoperable.
It is advisable to use high coding level actuators to make the installation safer
and more flexible. In this way, no device screening, installation in inaccessible zones
or other requirements specified by the Std. EN ISO 14119 for low coding level actua-
tors will be necessary.
4.3 Selection of the working principle
Attention: The switch is available with two working principles:
1) Working principle D for versions NG 2D1D••••,
locked actuator with de-energised solenoid (spring lock, release by
activation of I4 input);
2) Working principle E for versions NG 2D1E••••,
: locked actuator with
energised solenoid (lock with activation of I4 input, spring release).
Working principle D (spring lock) maintains the actuator lock even if the machine
is disconnected from the power supply. Therefore if the machine has dangerous
movements with inertia, inaccessibility to dangerous parts (actuator locked) is
ensured, even in the event of a sudden power failure. If the machine structure allows a
person to enter the danger area with the whole body and possibly end up being stuck
inside the machine, the switch must be provided with an escape release button, in
order to allow the trapped person to get out even in case of power failure.
Working principle E (lock with activation of I4 input) keeps the actuator lock only when
the machine is connected to the power supply. Therefore, before choosing this working
principle, carefully evaluate all dangers deriving from sudden power failure with a
consequent possible immediate actuator release.
The choice between working principles D and E must always be made following a risk
analysis of the specific application.
In case of machines without inertia, i.e. with dangerous elements being
immediately blocked as soon as the guard is opened, for which a device with lock has
been chosen merely to safeguard the production process, the first or the the second
working principle can both be used indifferently.
4.4 Selection of the safety outputs actuation mode
Attention: the device is available with three different safety outputs actuation
- mode 1 (NG
: safety outputs active with inserted and locked actuator;
- mode 2 (NG
: safety outputs active with inserted actuator;
- mode 3 (NG
OS1 safety output active with inserted and locked ac-
tuator and IS1 active, OS2 safety output active with inserted actuator and IS2 active.
Mode 1 activates the OS safety outputs when the actuator is both inserted and locked,
so that the actuator cannot be extracted with the safety outputs activated. In mode 1
the device is coded, type 4 (interlock with lock) acc. to EN ISO 14119.
For specific applications, mode 2 allows the actuator to be released while keeping the
safety chain enabled (normally for specific, low inertia applications) when the hazard
does not continue after opening the guard. In mode 2 the device is coded, type 4
(interlock without lock) acc. to EN ISO 14119.
Mode 3, for specific applications, provides a channel with "mode 1" functionality, and
a channel with "mode 2" functionality. This allows emulation of electromechanical
interlocking devices with lock, without complex machine wiring modifications.
Using modes 2 and 3 must always follow a risk analysis on the specific application,
with particular focus on the function of cascaded mode 3 devices.
4.5 Fixing of the device
Before fixing the device, it is possible, if necessary, to
adjust the position of the head and the release device (if
present) in order to turn the device to the position best
suited to the application. Completely remove the 4
screws from the head to turn either the head or the re-
lease device independently of each other on an arc of
Attention: Do not force rotation beyond 270°
as this could cause damage to the device. Once
adjustment is complete, re-tighten the head screws with
a torque between 0.8 and 1.2 Nm.
Once the head of the device is in position, you must use the two safety screws
supplied, in place of the two original screws, at opposite corners.
Attention: Always affix the device with 4 M5 screws
with resistance class 8.8 or higher, and flat seating
heads. Install the screws with medium resistance thread
lock, and a number of threads engaged equal to or great-
er than the screw diameter. The device must never be
fixed with less than 4 screws. Tightening torque of the 4
M5 screws between 2 and 3 Nm
It is advisable to install the device in the top part
of the door, in order to prevent any dirt or work residues
from getting inside the hole where the actuator is to be
introduced. In order to avoid device bypassing it is advis-
able to fix the device body to the machine frame so that
it cannot be removed.
4.6 Fixing the actuator to the guard
Attention: As required by EN ISO 14119, the actuator must be fixed immovably
to the door frame.
Always affix the actuator with at least 4 M5 screws with
resistance class 8.8 or higher, and flat seating heads.
Install the screws with medium resistance thread lock,
and a number of threads engaged equal to or greater
than the screw diameter. The actuator must never be
fixed with less than 4 screws. Tightening torque of the 4
M5 screws between 2 and 3 Nm.
After fixing, you must plug the 4 screw holes with the caps supplied. Inserting the caps
is considered a supplementary measure to reduce the potential of actuator disassem-
bly to a minimum, in accordance with EN ISO 14119.
For correct fixing, other means can also be used, such as rivets, non-removable se-
curity screws (one-way), or other equivalent fixing system, provided that it can ensure
adequate fixing.