L-B B5L0082/PAT 031-300-190-015 REVISION D 04/15/99
4.9.5. KMD1OFFSET - This operation sets the load at zero. Set the hook block on the ground. Use the arrows “UP or DOWN” to adjust the display to indicate zero load. Press “OK” to confirm zero load.
4.9.6. KMD1 CONST - Lift a test load of at least 80% of permissible
line pull for the crane configuration. See crane manufactures data for
approximate load.
NOTE: To comply with the SAE J376 standards the test load must be
to a known accuracy of
1%. Use the arrows “UP or DOWN” to adjust the display load to
indicate your total test load. NOTE: The total load includes the load,
rigging, cables, and hook block.
If the displayed load will not indicate the total test load. The KMD
TYPE must be increased or decreased. If displayed load needs to be greater,
increase KMD TYPE. Exit this section by pressing “OK” and restart KMD1
calibration by scrolling “DOWN” or “UP” to CONFIGURE KMD1 and press
“OK”. Return to beginning of Section 4.9. Press “OK” to confirm total load.
4.10. CONFIGURE KMD2 - This step calibrates the auxiliary hoist force sensor (if applicable). To
calibrate this section you will be required to pick a know test load 80% of permissible line
pull. Check the linerider output voltage, see section 3.4.1.
4.10.1. To calibrate the KMD2 (Auxiliary Linerider) press “OK” or press the arrow “DOWN”
button to configure display (section 4.11).
4.10.2. PARTS OF LINE - Use the arrows “UP or DOWN” to select parts of line. NOTE: One
part of line should be used to calibrate a Line Rider.
The operator is
responsible for
operating the crane
within the