L-B B5L0082/PAT 031-300-190-015 REVISION D 04/15/99
4. Check that the display of the main boom length agrees with the actual boom length.
5. Check that the display of the main boom angle agrees with the actual angles.
6. Check that the display of the operating radius of the crane agrees with the actual radius.
7. Check the load display by lifting a load of known weight. The accuracy of the load
indication shall be within the tolerance of SAE J376.
Rated loads include the weight of the hook block, slings, and auxiliary load handling devices.
Their combined weights shall be subtracted from the listed load capacities as stated on the
load capacity chart to obtain the net load to be lifted.
After completing Section 4 and 5, the crane configuration must match the actual
configuration. Once the system is properly set, the operation of the EI 65 is fully automated.
Therefore, the operator shall be thoroughly familiar with all controls, warning lights, load,
length, height, radius and other information on the EI 65 console and crane. The operator is
responsible for verifying the operating information is correct. At anytime the operator deems
necessary, the pre-operational checks in Section 5 should be completed.
Daily maintenance of the system consists of inspecting:
1. The electrical wiring connecting the various parts of the system. If electrical wiring is
damaged, it shall be replaced immediately.
2. Check the anti two-block limit switches for freedom of movement.
If any of the displays reflects a deviation between displayed and actual
values, an authorized PAT service representative shall be called for
repair of the system and/or verification of the crane’s calibration.
Any structural modifications or changes to the crane shall require
verification of the crane’s calibration.