L-B B5L0082/PAT 031-300-190-015 REVISION D 04/15/99
MECHANICAL ADJUST OF THE LINE RIDER (if required from Section 3.4.1.)
Figure 3. Load Sheave and Eccentric Wheel
a. Locate the load sheave and eccentric wheel on the linerider, see Figure 2. There is a
single nut on one side and a double on the other. These both should be loosened to
some degree. Adjustment from the double nut side seems to work the best after
tightening the 2 nuts together. Mark the wheel before and after turning to indicate how
far the wheel has been turned. This adjustment may have to be completed more than
once to set the correct voltage. To increase the output voltage, the load sheave will
need to move up; therefore using Figure 3 as an example, rotate the wheel clockwise.
We suggest turning the wheel a maximum of a 1/4 turn. After you have set the
mechanical adjustment tighten all nuts insuring not to move the wheel.
b. Complete steps 3.41.b and c until the output voltage is within tolerance.