Fig. 3-98
(2) After the setting item is input and "OK" button is clicked, if the setting is evaluated as wrong setting
on transmitter side, the warning error box shown in Fig. 3-99 will appear. Click "OK" button and
correct the wrong input.
Fig. 3-99
3.11.3 Input Errors
If wrong data is inputted during "Menu: Setup (Settings)" or "Menu: Diag/Service (Checking and
Adjustment)" and the communications with flowmeter transmitter are tried, an error box will appear on the
desktop as an "input error".
There are two types of input errors; wrong setting on LinkTop and wrong data sent to flowmeter
transmitter, which is evaluated as wrong setting on transmitter side.
(1) After the setting item is inputted and "OK" button clicked, if the setting is evaluated as wrong setting
on LinkTop, the warning error box shown in Fig. 3-98 will appear. Click "OK" button and correct the
wrong input.