User interface, machine control panel
Version 1.1.2 dated 2019-05-07
Page 259
Translation of the original instructions
F80 | F105
M A S C H I N E N - G E R M A N Y
Lamp control key
Pressing this in any operating mode switches on/off the lamp.
LED on: The lamp is switched on.
LED off: The lamp is switched off.
Coolant control key
Pressing this key in any operating mode switches on/off the coolant
LED on: The coolant supply is switched on.
LED off: The coolant supply is switched off.
Safety door control key
When all axes and the spindle stop operation, pressing this key
unlocks the safety door.
LED on: The safety door is unlocked.
LED on: The safety door is locked.
Clock wise magazine rotation
(active only in JOG mode)
Pressing this key rotates the magazine clockwise.
LED on: The magazine rotates clockwise.
LED off: The magazine stops clockwise rotation.
Reference point approach of the magazine
(active only in JOG mode)
Pressing this key approaches the magazine to the reference point.
LED on: The magazine is reference point approached.
LED off: The magazine is not yet referenced.
Counterclockwise magazine rotation
(active only in JOG mode)
Pressing this key rotates the magazine counterclockwise.
LED on: The magazine rotates counterclockwise.
LED off: The magazine stops counterclockwise rotation.
Forward rotation of the chip conveyor
(active only in JOG mode)
Pressing this key in any operating mode starts the forward rotation
of the chip conveyor.
LED on: The chip conveyor starts forward rotation.
LED off: The chip conveyor stops rotation.
The F80 | F105 does not have a chip conveyor. There-
fore, the key has no function.
Excerpt from the manual of the operating instructions for "SINUMERIK 808D OPM Operation"