Chapter 6: System Operation
System Start-up Procedure
After the system installation has been verified, you are ready to start up the system.
1. Switch on AC power to the eMB-40R.
Make sure personnel are skilled and instructed - refer to the
Robot Safety
2. Switch on the 24 VDC power to the eMB-40R.
3. Switch on the 24 VDC power to the SmartController EX, if present.
The Status Panel displays OK. The Status LED will be off.
4. Verify the Auto/Manual switch on the Front Panel is set to Auto Mode.
5. Follow the instructions, beginning with Starting the ACE Software, in the following sec-
Running the ACE Software
Starting the ACE Software
The robot should be on, and the status panel should display OK before proceeding.
1. Turn on the user-supplied PC and start ACE.
Double-click the ACE icon on your Windows desktop,
From the Windows Start menu bar, select:
Start > Programs > Omron > ACE x.y
where x is the ACE major version, and y is the ACE minor version. For example,
for ACE 3.6, it would be:
Start > Programs > Omron > ACE 3.6
2. On the ACE Getting Started screen:
Select Connect To Controller.
Select Create New Workspace for Selected Controller
to make the connection to the controller.
Select the IP address of the controller you wish to connect to, or manually type in
the IP address.
3. Click OK. You will see the message “Working, please wait”.
Enabling High Power
After you have started ACE and connected to the controller, enable high power to the robot
05624-000 Rev. K
Cobra 350 User's Guide